Replaceable on Analog MEMS application : Totally same PWB pattern & outer dimension
Price competiveness : BSE In-House manufacturing
TDMA Noise free : Improved RFI
Strong EMI function : Embedded planar decoupling filter
Very robust against mechanical shock
Strong resistance against penetration of outer fine impurities : polymer membrane
Independent MEMS patent issue : ECM based structure
Circle type ECM(Ø9.7~Ø3 Series)
Circle type Analog SMD(Ø6~Ø3 Series)
Strong EMI, ESD function : Built in EMI filter * Varistor
High reliability : High thermal resistant materials
Differential sucuit applicable
Noise shielding : capsuling and grounding
Stable SMD process : there is no any SMD processissue in field
전기 음향 제품에 다양하게 적용되는 ECM(Electrets Condenser Microphone)는 축적된 기술 기반을 바탕으로 고품질, 고효율, 및 경쟁력 있는 제품으로 cell phones, smart phones, smart TV, PDAs, digital still cameras, IC recorders, laptop PCs, notebook PCs, robot cleaners, refrigerators, tablet PCs 등 폭넓게 적용되고 있습니다. ECM 기반의 제품군으로 원형 ECM(Ø9.7~Ø3 Series), 원형 Analog SMD(Ø6~Ø3 Series) 및 사각 Analog SMD & High SNR 등의 폭넓은 제품군을 확보하고 있으며 특히 MEMS와 동일한 Pin to Pin의 사각 A-SMD(ASMO_C110T-3p)출시로 현재 MEMS MIC 적용에 동일하게 적용하여 고객 만족도를 높이고 있습니다.