Replaceable on Analog MEMS application : Totally same PWB pattern & outer dimension
Price competiveness : BSE In-House manufacturing
TDMA Noise free : Improved RFI
Strong EMI function : Embedded planar decoupling filter
Very robust against mechanical shock
Strong resistance against penetration of outer fine impurities : polymer membrane
Independent MEMS patent issue : ECM based structure
Circle type ECM(Ø9.7~Ø3 Series)
Circle type Analog SMD(Ø6~Ø3 Series)
Strong EMI, ESD function : Built in EMI filter * Varistor
High reliability : High thermal resistant materials
Differential sucuit applicable
Noise shielding : capsuling and grounding
Stable SMD process : there is no any SMD processissue in field
广泛应用于电器音响产品上的ECM(Electrets Condenser Microphone),是基于多年积累的技术,已实现优质、高效以及具有竞争力的产品,被广泛应用于cell phones、smart phones、smart TV、PDAs、digital still cameras、IC recorders、laptop PCs、notebook、robot cleaners、refrigerators、tablet PCs等领域。作为基于ECM的产品群,已确保圆形ECM(Ø9.7~Ø3 Series)、圆形Analog SMD(Ø6~Ø3 Series)及四角Analog SMD & High SNR等多种系列的产品,尤其是成功推出与MEMS相同Pin to Pin的四角A-SMD(ASMO_C110T-3p),已同样适用于MEMS MIC上,提高顾客满意度。